Welcome to JD Fit—Home of JAD CrossFit
Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Success Stories
Jessica B.
“Growing up I had always been pretty athletic. I played numerous sports, was always outside, and just enjoyed being active. As I got older, life got busier and even though I was coaching sports, I wasn't as active anymore. I would try to demonstrate drills to my players and get winded. I hated feeling like I couldn't do the things that used to come so easily to me. In the spring 2017, I saw a photo of myself and didn't like what I saw, but it wasn't just about my weight or image, it was my life in general. I was always tired, had heartburn, high blood pressure, and always felt stressed out and anxious. I decided to focus on my nutrition first that summer and the weight started to come off pretty quickly. Within a year, I had lost 70 pounds. I was working out a few days a week and although the scale was where I wanted to be, I wasn't getting any stronger. A friend of mine had been working out with Jake for a couple of months and talked about all the cool things he had been doing and how much stronger he felt. I knew that focusing on just the scale was only going to get me so far and if I wanted to feel like an athlete again, I needed to try something different. In December of 2019, I started working out with Jake and it was unlike anything I'd ever done before. Even though I was really nervous to try something new, Jake, Ashley, and all of their clients made me feel so welcome. Jake does a great job of gauging where you are at as an individual and then modifies to fit your ability level while still pushing you. I've learned how to do different lifts that I've never done before and have become an even better athlete than I was when I was younger. I can scrimmage with my athletes, demonstrate drills, and have so much more energy. There's also been numerous occasions where I've had to move something heavy at home or work and without even thinking about it, I just do it when in the past I'd definitely need help. It's been almost 2 years with Jake and the JD Fit family and I cannot imagine a more supportive place to grow and challenge myself.”
Jacquie and Nathan
Nathan and I have been training with Jake since 2016. We have lost a combined total of 97 lbs. We started asking Jake questions about nutrition and how to meet our weight loss goals. He gave us great advice and continues to do so. Not only does he help us with the nutrition aspect, he also pushes us out of our comfort zone inside the gym. When Nathan started training with Jake he was unable to even hold a dumbbell in his right hand. Now, he is able to do workouts carrying more than 50 lbs over his head. We are so thankful to be a part of JD Fit!
Frank G.
Here is my journey so far. The picture of me in the boat was August of 2019 at my heaviest ever. I was going to the gym on an off but with no real purpose and guidance. Then Jake called and said he was starting the Legends program. I was extremely happy someone finally created a plan for us older but active people. I started working out in the Legends class in November of 2020. It has been a little over a year and I can’t wait for our classes each week. Between Jake’s expertise on the proper training and Ashley’s guidance in the proper diet I have lost approximately 35lbs. The biking picture is June 2021. I am back to doing all of the things I love to do like biking, skiing, etc.
I think every gym should have a program like this.
Thank you!
Katie V.
Functional Fitness. This is a term I have heard for many years, but never have thought too much about. Even though I was struggling to do certain things, I just accepted this was part of getting older.
JD Fit has shown me differently. It has been life changing in so many ways. Now I smile every time I easily pick up bags of groceries (or boxes of computer paper) or shovel the driveway or run up a flight of stairs. These (and so many more) tasks are easier because of JD Fit.
After tearing my Achilles playing Pickleball last summer, I was more than a little hesitant to head back to the gym. I was encouraged to give Jake’s “Legends” class a try. It was one of the best decisions I have made. This class is for us “more mature” (and yet certainly legendary) set and focuses on functional fitness and being able to age and still be strong. Jake is amazing at differentiation (to use one of my favorite teaching words) and challenging us all! We are still doing squats, lunges, dumbbell work, ring rows, and rope work, etc., as well as rowing, skiing, and biking for cardio. These exercises are just modified to be appropriate (and safe!) for us at different ages and abilities.
Many of us have stories of getting off medications, lowering blood pressure, and, personally, I was able to drop my resting heart rate quite a bit this summer.
Then the school year started, and I could no longer attend the Legends class. I started working out after work with the Functional Fitness class. I was thrilled to experience the same things: fun and encouraging workout partners, who have now become friends, a challenging work out, and Jake’s direction all the while.
My most recent accomplishment was running a 10K race, something I have always wanted to do. I know that I would not have even attempted this without JD Fit. Both the Legends and the Functional Fitness Classes made me strong and gave me the mental stamina to accomplish this goal.
I love feeling strong. I love being able to easily do things that were once difficult for me. I love challenging myself and being challenged to do that which I think I cannot do. I love facing my fears. All these I have been able to do because of Jake and JD Fit.
Tammy G.
Two years ago, age/aging was my excuse for where I was at physically, emotionally, and mentally; an excuse that was slowly becoming an acceptable explanation for how I was feeling. I was convinced that this was just the normal course of things as I entered my 50s. Aches and pains, hormones and hot flashes!! Frankly, it sucked, but I had plenty of girlfriends feeling the same and experiencing similar changes - they say misery loves company - and we had jokes and funny stories that lessened the blow of this new chapter.
Then, my twin sister, introduced me to Coach Jake. I think she was concerned about all my issues, or she was just tired of hearing me complain all the time. Reluctantly at first and a little skeptical, I gave CrossFit a try. A very short time in, and I was hooked. It wasn’t just about showing up at a gym and lifting weights and performing workouts with female names, Jake taught me about choices; you’ll choose what’s important to you; you’ll make time for a priority. He taught me about consistency. His wife, Coach Ashley (they are truly a dynamic duo), taught me about the importance of nutrition and, again, choices and consistency.
So I made a choice; I chose to make me a priority, to address my aging body, mind, and soul. I continued to show up… for me. And as Coach Jake and Coach Ashley continued to pour into me the knowledge I needed, I became stronger not just physically but mentally and emotionally. And bonus, I lost the weight I had been trying to lose for years. Today, approaching 52, I am stronger, healthier, happier, AND I FEEL AAAAAMAZING. Joke’s on you “50s”; You can’t keep me down. I will continue to EVOLVE into a better version of me each year thanks to JDFit 💜🖤

“I will prepare, and someday my chance will come.”
— Abraham Lincoln
“Do, or do not, there is no try.”
— Yoda